Monday, October 26, 2009

Muchacho's Shoes on Kiss Concert..

sooo yeah i when for the first time in my life to a kiss concert and.... it was grate!!!!! and i was almost there, and all thanks to muchacho, he pay for my ticket!!!!!! he is such a good guy!! so thank you, thank you muchacho, so yeah, deya, next time we go togeter!!!
we made some movies, so wait for muchacho!!!, muaaaa

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Mentira v/s Verdad

Hey, en que andas?

chatee u npoco con Deya esta mañana...

Y tu que?


na aki en la escuela que no paro


Estoy pinchando haciendo una casa en el medio del campo.... tuve que ir ayer, y todo era un campo llenos de vacas toros, yeguas y caballos.

No vi ni un solo puerco.... y habia unos cuantos viñedos pero el vino de esa zona es una mierda, meao de ardilla ligado con cascara de flor de peo.




La flor de peo, es la flor nacional de Cuba....

Digo yo.


jajaja no cro que no, creo es es la mariposa


si lo se, pero siempre digo qu ees la flor de peo o la flor de la campana, que si la fumas cojes tremendo vuele.


jajaja siertp


A mi esposa, que no es cubana, le dije que la flor nacional era la flor de peo, y el animal nacional eran dos, la jutia y la jicotea. Y la mariposa nacional la mariposa prieta de la luz...

Creo que le dije tambien que el pajaro nacional era el aura tiñosa.... hehehe.


jajajajaja, ok, jajaja tengo que aprenderme todo eso para segir pasando esa informacion



claro, claro....

A ese paso volveremos locos a todo el mundo.


jejej bueno creo que ese es el goal no


claro que si. Por ejemplo, el pez nacional puede ser el guaican o pez pega...

O la claria!

o el manjuari.... el mamifero nacional puede ser el manati.


jajajaj seguro


Y poner el cangrejo moro y la jaiba en el escudo, con matas de guao y escobaamarga... hehehe


jajajaja, uhnnn creo que lo voy a poner en el bog


como quieras!


jejej seguro haver si confundimos a un poco de gente


crear confusion, esa es la cosa.



bueno, te dejo que tengo que trabajar.... besos. Saludame al almiqui, no se te olvide ponerlo tambien.


jajajs seguro, jejej, dale que yo estoy dando clases

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Mexican candy...

I posted about this stuff on my other blog a few months ago when I first discovered the magic of Mexican candy...

Well now I received more of them from a misguided friend who thinks that I love this stuff.

Can anyone explain to me why the f&ck Mexican candy tastes so strange? I mean we have skittles and stuff and they taste sweet and have fake fruit flavors and stuff... But this stuff is just evil. There's always a spicy-saltiness to the flavor of weird and strange exotic fruits that I don't know that makes it taste more like sour yogurt mixed with cayenne pepper than anything else.

One day, next time I'm in Mexico, I'm going straight to where these things are made and I'm going to demand so god damned answers! Who's with me?

Friday, October 2, 2009

Worst beer EVER

Being Canadian I pride myself on my knowledge and taste in hops based alcoholic beverages (ie beer). I like to think that my upbringing in an Irish/Scottish/French family and being a 5th generation alcoholic has taught me a thing or two about a thing or two. But nothing had prepared me for this...

I went to the liquor store the other day to restock my wine cellar and saw this adorable bottle of beer with a skeleton sitting on a barrel on it with the catchy name "Dead Guy Ale"... Well I should have looked down and also read "Oregon Brewed" because if I had I wouldn't have shelled out 4$ for one bottle of what ended up being the worst tasting beer in the world.

I've always said never judge a boor by it's cover... the same goes for liquor. The quality of what's inside is usually in direct reverse-proportion of the quality of its outside. (Except in the case of Unibroue beers which I will discuss in a later post).

So people don't be fooled by "Dead Guy Ale"... While I do not wish death upon the people responsible for brewing this shit, I do wish something bad to happen to them along the lines of a flat tire or girl with "really big feet"...

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Stupid Tester, Online Timewasters with Muchacho

More time wasters! Go and test your stupidity... I know I did and I'm only 21% stupid :(

Click on top

Your Score Summary says I'm 21% Stupid! How stupid are you? Click Here!

Overall, you scored as follows:
76% scored higher (more stupid),
3% scored the same, and
21% scored lower (less stupid).
You are 21% stupid. This means...
You are far from stupid. Congrats on a great accomplishment!